Hard Rock & Basement

Gain Unparalleled Insight into Hard Rock & Basement Reservoirs

Dive Deep into Fractured Reservoirs and Uncover Their Economic Potential

Metamorphic, intrusive, and extrusive (volcanic) igneous rocks are prevalent around the world.  Not only are many of the world’s mined rare earth and other minerals associated with them, these rock formations also provide important conduits and storage vessels for the migration and containment of fluids (and associated heat) throughout the Earth's crust.  Being predominantly crystalline in nature, these rocks typically have negligible primary porosity, with any present-day pore space (secondary porosity) typically being formed through past surface erosion/weathering, diagenetic and tectonic processes.

Geological processes, including the formation of inhomogeneous fractures and dissolution pores, can create highly favorable porosity and permeability networks within these unconventional reservoirs. When combined with a suitable sealing caprock, this can give rise to substantial storage potential  for hot geothermal fluids or for hydrocarbons of varying forms. 

Characterization of basement reservoirs involves the detailed study and understanding of dynamic geological, geophysical, and engineering aspects to assess the reservoir poro-perm properties and behavior. Multi-disciplinary, innovative tools are essential to delineate complex fracture geometries and assess the potential storage capacity and flow of fluids. 

Well and Seismic Interpretation

Determine accurate lithology distribution, sealing capabilities, and presence of fracture networks.

Execute well based petrophysical and rock physics analysis for fracture analysis
  • Evaluate presence, distribution and orientation of fracture systems using image log interpretation
  • Model impact of fracture density, orientation and fluid fill on azimuthal and stacked seismic
  • Assess feasibility of seismic for fracture detection and characterization

Apply advanced seismic data enhancements and interpretation
  • Enhance signal to noise to reveal subtle lineaments and fracture related discontinuities in hard rocks
  • Extract fine detail through advanced 3D textural attribute calculations
  • Uncover discrete fracture networks, delineate geometry, orientation, and connectivity of fractures and faults within the basement rocks to increase understanding of fluid flow and reservoir productivity
Produce 2D and 3D velocity models
  • Improve accuracy of depth structure predictions for volumetric estimates
  • Provide inputs for continuous and discrete fracture network modelling for flow simulation

Get In Touch

We are dedicated to providing unique customer-oriented reservoir characterization solutions. Let’s talk about how we can assist you in making the most efficient and accurate decisions.