GeoSoftware Delivers New Release of Advanced Solutions for More Accurate Reservoir Characterization Results

Houston, Texas -- GeoSoftware™, a global trusted partner providing geoscience software and consulting services for enhanced subsurface knowledge, is pleased to announce the latest release of our industry-leading software, HampsonRussell 13.1, Jason 12.1 and PowerLog 11.4.

The energy industry now, more than ever, demands faster results and greater understanding of complex geological settings. GeoSoftware’s latest release delivers intuitive, cutting-edge technology with machine learning, enhanced rock physics models and enriched QCs – solutions assured to simplify workflows, increase user productivity and provide more accurate reservoir characterization results.

Recognize uncertainty and evaluate reliability of model predictions with innovative new tools in HampsonRussell’s GeoAI. Through powerful and flexible machine learning workflows, integration of quantitative multi-mineral rock physics models (RPM) further improve reservoir characterization results. Geoscientists can now perform comprehensive validation procedures and calculate quality metrics to assess the uncertainty of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model predictions at blind wells.

Experience faster start-ups and quicker turnaround due to minimal data scans and improved inter-process communication within Jason’s StatMod and RockMod modules. With this key enhancement, data gaps and missing data interpolation facilitate simpler co-simulation workflows in difficult data environments, providing more accurate geological results.

HampsonRussell’s user-friendly Well Tie tool plays a crucial role in reservoir characterization workflows. To ensure the accuracy of the seismic-synthetic well tie process, we now offer extended Quality Controls (QCs). The upgrades make it easy for users to interpret seismic-synthetic match and residuals, while also simplifying the evaluation of velocity changes resulting from edits to the time-depth relationship (“stretch/squeezes”). These new QCs allow for quick and straightforward review of the well to seismic correlation.

Jason’s timesaving Gather QC tool facilitates rapid assessment of candidate data for inversion and now generates quick on-the-fly AVO curves for multiple gather sets. The angle overlays and well displays also available in the tool allow users to view all of the relevant information together when analyzing the gathers.

Our easy-to-use petrophysics and rock physics software, PowerLog, provides new user-requested icons for automated data scaling along with zoom options and pan capabilities within the Crossplot tool. For an improved analysis experience, rock physics template grids are now color coded for a better understanding of the information displayed. New legend and label options help to effectively communicate model results from one team member to another.

Delivering best-in-class advanced reservoir characterization technology and a superior user experience is at the core of GeoSoftware and our innovative solutions. With this newest release of advanced machine learning workflows, enhanced rock physics modeling and extended QCs, our customers will achieve more accurate and timely results to quantify the commercial potential of their subsurface assets.

Kester Waters
Chief Executive Officer, GeoSoftware

About GeoSoftware
GeoSoftware is a global trusted partner, providing geoscience software and consulting services for enhanced subsurface knowledge.  GeoSoftware reservoir characterization technology and services link geophysics, geology and petrophysics for optimum workflows that drive greater reservoir understanding.  Global clients rely on the company’s geoscience expertise to build the most accurate and detailed reservoir models and elevate subsurface knowledge.  Headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA, GeoSoftware has over 150 employees located in 17 countries from which they serve over 450 clients across the globe.

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