Join us for a LUNCH & LEARN at IMAGE 2024

A Throw of the Dice? – Improving Reservoir Model Integrity through Advanced Facies and Rock Physics Constrained Geostatistical Inversion

August 28, 2024 (Wednesday)
12:00 Houston Time (CDT)


Speaker: Mohammed Ibrahim, Global Services Manager

Go beyond seismic with an integrated solution at the scale of static models!

Join us for a free Lunch & Learn session by Global Services Manager - Mohammed Ibrahim.  See how we use geostatistical inversion to improve the understanding of subsurface heterogeneity and reservoir connectivity​ with reservoir models that are consistent with seismic and geological-prior information.

Register now to reserve your lunch!


mike-icon Presenter: Mohammed Ibrahim, Global Services Manager

Mohammed Ibrahim_ GS Headshot  


Register Here

Complete the form below to reserve your seat at the Lunch & Learn. Number of seats with lunches are limited


Presenter: Tanya Colwell, Product Manager